
Planning, Entitlement Review, and Development

Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element

The City of Ione is participating with Amador County and the cities in the County to prepare the Countywide 6th Cycle Housing Element.  The Draft Countywide 6th Cycle Housing Element was available for public review and comment through January 9, 2023. To review the Countywide 6th Cycle Housing Element, download the digital version here or visit City Hall at 1 E. Main St. during business hours to review a hard copy.  Visit the Countywide Housing Element Update web page for additional information regarding the Housing Element Update, including a list of locations throughout the County with hard copies available for review. 

The Planning Department facilitates new development consistent with the Ione’s General Plan, Zoning Code, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and other State, Federal and local regulations pertaining to new development activity.

Planning Department services include:

  • Providing planning and zoning information to the general public and development community over the counter, by phone, mail and e-mail, as requested.
  • Accepting, processing, analyzing, and evaluating both public and private planning applications for conformance with the City's General Plan, Zoning Code, Land Division Code, CEQA, and other State and local planning regulations.
  • Providing feedback to surrounding jurisdictions on planning applications involving land outside Ione’s jurisdiction that may impact our community.
  • Maintaining and updating the General Plan, Zoning Code, and other planning-related documents.
  • Co-administration with the Building and Engineering Departments of Title 16 (Land Division) and Title 18 (Environmental Protection).