Police Officer Lateral/Academy Graduate

Job Status
Open - open and accepting applications
Job Closing Date
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Salary Range - $5,518 - $6,709 per month


Under general supervision, enforces State and local laws and performs crime prevention work by patrolling assigned areas and answering calls and complaints; to investigate incidents and perform investigations.


Patrol assigned area of the City in a car, on a bicycle, or on foot; enforce local and State laws; respond to calls related to the protection of life and property, traffic incidents, and other required emergencies; prepare reports of arrests made, activities performed, and unusual incidents observed; conduct both preliminary and follow-up investigations of disturbances, criminal incidents, hazardous incidents, vehicle accidents, and deaths; make arrests; interrogate suspects and interview victims, complainants and witnesses; coordinate and conduct detailed investigations of violent crimes, child abuse, property crimes, vice, gaming, and narcotics violations; testify and present evidence in court; provide backup assistance for other officers and personnel; collect, preserve, and maintain evidence, found property, and property for safekeeping; assist and advise motorists and enforce traffic safety laws by issuing citations and warnings; search, fingerprint, and transport prisoners; respond to demonstrations, riots, hostage situations, barricaded subjects and other extremely hazardous situations; maintain contact with the public regarding potential law enforcement problems and preserve good relationships with the public; serve warrants and subpoenas; observe, monitor, direct, and control routine and unusual traffic conditions; check buildings for physical security; and administer first aid.


If you are currently employed as a California Peace Officer with one year of experience, or if you have been employed within the past 12 months with a minimum of one year of experience, and you possess or are eligible to possess a California POST Basic Certificate issued by the Commission on Peace Officer’s Standards and Training, you qualify as a Lateral candidate. Lateral Police Officers may be appointed above the first level in the salary range commensurate with experience, education, training, and POST certificates.


Academy graduates are applicants who successfully completed and possess a valid California POST-approved basic academy. Candidates for this position are typically appointed as a Police Officer at the first step in the salary range.


• Retirement: PERS Safety Program 3% @ 50 for those who qualify, 2.7% @ 57 for all others

• Health Insurance: Up to $1,400 per month paid by the City

• Dental / Vision Insurance: Fully paid by the City

• Uniforms Allowance: $800 per year paid by the City

• Vacation: 0-3 years of service, 80 hours annually; 4-8 years of service, 120 hours annually; 9+ years of service, 160 hours annually

• Sick Leve: 96 Hours annually

• Education and POST Certification incentives up to 10%

• Educational cost reimbursement of up to $2,000 per year

• 10 Paid Holidays; Overtime earned at 1.5 times; 80-Hour work period